Thursday, June 23, 2011

a life being employed

im officially a week working at magic bite supemol
no doubt the tired feeling.but this is it..experience is the best teacher
bez ckit..xbez ckit..suma lh ada
nway recently life being so hard for me
many probs arised..and sumtimes im feeling tired of handling all the probs
but then..istigfar byk2...Allah turunkan dugaan kpd hamba Nya yg mmpu..
pelik kan..makin kita mngkat dewasa..makin byk urusan dunia..
last time when i used to be a school kid..i have plenty of time to focus on my life.but now..after growing up to many things to think of..n so much life crisis arised.
wa tertekan...n cdh..n mcm2 lah..adui...
isma jgn la byk glk mgeluh..xbagus..huhuh
hati..kuat n bertahan lah..isma gambate!!!


  1. yerdehh mima. ahah :D adaka atut ngaco blog ktk,o? hahahah ^^ oh,btw,tok yin! kmk xda user ID tek nak. alu xpat nak mdh nama kmk. salu2 lah udate blog ktk k? gambattechaiyok mima!!! :D

  2. woit. ya baruk kejam ktk,kakma. rawrrr!! siap ktk mun kmk polah blog. ktk wajib jd foolower kmk. ngahahah :D *ketawa besar besaran*

  3. hai.. kakma tut.... hahhahahah lawak
    btw tok iza yg kiut3
